
Four legs (in the middle)

For me, art is a journey of self-discovery.  It is my way of exploring, analyzing, and expressing my identity. My work represents a of natural objects, according to my inspiration.  I start with images of three-dimensional living things that I have photographed just everyday images that surround me. I am thereby making a statement about the relationship between people’s personalities and the societies in which they live. What the public sees is not the original image, but one that has been remade according to my concepts.

Through my artwork, I have attempted to explore the concept of people attempting to disguise who they are by the way they speak and dress, or by changing their appearance through cosmetic surgery.  To convey this idea of covering, my art uses human skin and plants to replace, or cover, the naturalness of the design of the original form.  The flower tissue is replaced by human skin and other natural images. There is, of course, something artificial, something phony, about it all just as one’s imitation of an idealized personality can never be more than an artificial construct.

A bug

A bug, tail

Grey breath (left) Grey fish

Red fish (left), Human flower 2 (middle) B bug on a tree (right)

Red fish

Fish (small)

Fish in frame

Human pattern

Human pattern printed on canvas


Self portrait

Human flower 1

Finger sausages

Palm tree

Human ocean

Experiment files